Brides of Dracula Wiki
Yorga's Brides


The Return of Count Yorga (1971)




Undead, Alive

Yorga's Brides are a collection of unnamed vampire bries seen in The Return of Count Yorga, the sequel to Count Yorga, Vampire.


The brides wear a variety of night robes. Some of the older brides wear dirty gowns most likely because they were drained and buried with them on all at once. The newer members have cleaner silker gowns which can be tied around the waist. They also wear no shoes, walking around barefoot As the living dead, the brides are all pale skin with most having dishelved hair. Some of the first few brides have decaying skin as they were buried for a long while before Yorga retrieved them. They also are shown to have bat-like fangs like Yorga as well.


The brides are emotionless, being quite stoic as they hunt down or while attacking their prey and having a far off and hungry look in their eyes. Likely to showcase that they are no longer human inside. They are shown to be a bit cruel a well when they called out to Cynthia when she's exploring the manor, mockingly laughing at her plight as she's having a breakdown over returning memories of her family's murder until she nearly finds where they are and leaving before she can reach them. It's one of the only time they show any emotions.


  • Super Strength: They are revealed to be quite strong as a few broke into the Nelson's home though the glass door without injury. They completely overpowered Cynthia's family at the beginning of the movie and kill all but her (though it took about four of them to bring Cynthia herself down. More then likely as they were ordered to without biting or harming her).
  • Teleportation: The Brides have shown an uncanny ability to teleport offscreen. Being able to invade the Nelson's house without detection until it was too late and block every exit that Ellen tries to flee to. Likewise when David and the cops infiltrate Yorga's manor and the latter two think they've escaped from them. The women suddenly appears from rooms in the hallway where David and they meet. They also do this near the near of the film, blocking David and Cynthia's escape routes until the two duck into a doorway into a darken room. When David hits the lights, he finds all the brides in there with him along with Yorga despite the fact the women were right behind Cynthia and he a moment before.
  • Bullet Immunity: During the climax of the film, two of the Brides get shot by the cops. Despite take a bullet wound in the stomach, the brides show no reaction or pain to it and continue to come after them. More then likely this is due to them being walking corpses and already dead to begin with.
  • Voice Projection: The brides are able to throw their voices at one point, calling out to Cynthia in room to which they proceed to mock and laugh at her. Only stopping when she gets close to finding them.


It's unknown how long Yorga has been draining and turning women during his time within the area but from their manner of dress, they were like drained within the same day that Yorga seduced them and hastily buried considering how easy they were able to claw out from their graves.

Regardless Yorga has amassed about a dozen vampires brides as the film opens. He orders his brides to rise from their graves which they do upon his command. At the same time, one of the orphans of a nearby orphanage, Tommy, happens to be playing in the graveyard as they pull themselves out from the ground. He runs from them only to run into Yorga who brings him under his control.

The brides are gathered at a manor Yorga's recently purchased where coffins are arranged for them in front of Yorga's throne. They wordlessly greet their master who arrives from a charity costume party at the orphanage before Yorga orders them to attack the Nelson family as he has become smitten with Cynthia Nelson, a teacher at the orphanage. The brides obey and attack later that night. Easily breaking into the household and overpowering the occupants (save Tommy who remains untouched and stares blankly at the carnage).


Two of the brides kill Cynthia's mother.

 Three of the brides bite and drain Cynthia's father, mother and sister Ellen Nelson. Yorga, seeing potential in Ellen, turns her into a vampire while the parents are killed. The brides then bring Cynthia to Yorga so he can begin trying to convince her to turn her willingly.

The brides gain another of Cynthia's friends, Mitzi Carthay. A woman who Yorga earlier bit in the movie, growing Yorga's undead harem. The brides also have a little fun with Cynthia by calling out to her as she suffers from fragmented memories of her family's murder. Cynthia only manages to catch a glimpse of the brides as the move into another room and lock the door, preventing her from following.

The next seen of them is when Tommy lures Jason, Ellen's boyfriend, to the manor claiming he has seen where the missing Ellen is. Of course its a trap and Ellen, clearly no longer the woman he knows now, just laughs at Jason as the brides attack him. Jason escapes their grasp but is caught and killed by Yorga. His servant, Brudah, takes Jason's body to the brides' chambers where they (including Ellen) feed on him.


The brides go to hunt their prey on Yorga's command.

When Baldwin, Cynthia's fiancee, gets wind of Yorga's true nature and brings along cops O'Conner and Madden with him. Yorga unleashes the brides through the household. The cops have the misfortune of running into the undead women who quickly give case and don't even pause when shot with bullets. The cops manage to escape them but are killed by Yorga's Witch and Tommy respectively. With only Baldwin and Cynthia left, the brides give pursuit blocking their every exit till the two are chased into a darken room. However the brides along with Yorga are waiting for them. Yorga takes Cynthia for his own while leaving the brides to feed on Baldwin. The last seen of them is the undead harem bearing down on a trapped Baldwin who has now way to escape.

Considering the ending of the film, its most likely that the brides continued undaunted in the nightly ritual of feeding on blood, starting with the nearby orphanage.
